Thursday, May 12, 2011

You Have Found My Weakness

The last 2 weeks I have been listening to my logical, smart, thoughtful finace go crazy for this car he wants. This is the guy who can't make a decision on a pair of shoes without weighing all of the possible options. So out of nowhere he declares that he will be getting a Camero. Now you have to understand that this guy has a subscription to 2 car magazines, watches car shows which he thinks are not only awesome, but hilarious (they are not funny, I have tried watching them,ug). He loses his mind when given the chance to buy a car. He currently has a very sensible car, but now he is gettin a little crazy with this Camero thing. So we sat down, and I explained to him that we are not in a position right now to buy a sports car and EVENTUALLY we will be. When that time comes, he will be able to get that dream sports car, just not now. It was a hard convo to have since his face looked like I had killed his puppy, but we came to the conclusion that right now, sensible is best.

So that got me thinking, we all have weaknesses. He loses all of his senses with cars, which I do NOT understand. What do I lose my senses over? Let's see...

-The Cosmetic Miracle Fix
I have been dealing with some fierce skin issues as of late. A lot of it had to do with the birth control I was taking, which I switched, and have seen good results. But in the mean time I hear that a cosmetic can help my face and I SNATCH it up. Serum's, Lotions, Night Treatments, you name it. I go ga ga.

I have been trying to find the perfect pair of wedges for months. I do not know why my brain is telling me I NEEEED wedges but it is. I have yet to buy any. GO ME!

Coach, MK, Calvin Klein, shut up. I lose it. I do NOT have any nice handbags, but it does not mean that don't use the words I NEED when talking about any of my handbag desires.

-Shiny Things
aka jewelry. lose my shit. love it. If I could have a new engagement ring for everyday of the week, I would. I am weak.

So as we can see I have many more weaknesses than my amazing finace. It helps to put these topics and issues in MY terms. No, I do not understand the need or desire for a Camero, but I do understand the need for shoes, handbags etc. He has the right to be unreasonable, since when I am unreasonable, which is 80% of the time, he brings me back to Earth. I just needed to bring him back to earth.

1 comment:

  1. Bahahahahaha! LOVE your "lose your shit" comment!!! I'm in the same glittery boat. :) Although I'm also in the new Camero or the new Shelby boat. Every time I see one I feel like I have to go have hot steamy sex in the back seat! .....or maybe on the hood....whichever one happens first. :)
