Thursday, May 19, 2011


I have been looking forward to this weekend for a LONG time. Not only will it be my first real weekend in a LONG time, but MIKE'S FAMILY IS COMING!!!! Mom, Dad, Sister, and Grandma. They started driving from PA well over a week ago and they will be here in Pasco in about 2 hours. I am looking forward to not only seeing family but for Mike to see HIS family. He's a tough cookie sometimes, but I know how much he misses them. I talk to my mom almost everyday, where as Mike tries to call at least once a month. It's just the difference between males and females I suppose.

So tomorrow we are taking them around the Tri Cities and Saturday morning we are going to Seattle!!!

We haven't as much time in Seattle as we thought we would, but we both love that city. It's such a departure from the town we are in. It feels a little like home, and the places we are used to living because of the arts, and culture.

We know we are going to spend a lot of time at Pike Place Market.

It's such a neat place. Last time we were there we were hoping to see some fish fly (meaning the fish guys throw the fish from worker to worker, there are no winged fish) but we learned that they only throw fish when someone ORDERS a fish. And Mike and I had no intention of buying a huge friggin fish just to see it get thrown.

We don't know where else we NEED to go, maybe a boat ride, or a museum. Who cares really?! We will be in an amazing city with family. We could literally just sit on a bench downtown all weekend and I would be happy.

So no posts till at least Monday... I AM HAVING A WEEKEND!!!!!!

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