Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Finding Bliss

Sorry for my absence as of late. Lots goin on here! But this time has given me time to think so I am dedicating this post to...


I have always loved the word bliss. It fills me with feelings of contentment, happiness, sunshine and smiles. I feel I have spent most of my life trying to to FIND my bliss and FOLLOW my bliss. It is easier said than done my friends. We all have a tendency to become complacent. We have a job, it pays ok, we don't really LIKE it, we love our friends there, and to be honest, it is HARD to search for jobs.
Over the last few months I have become very aware of where my bliss lies. And for me yesterday was a watershed moment.
I feel blessed to be able to KNOW what gets me up in the morning and what fills my heart with fire and determination. I have not been listening to the inner me lately, which is more than likely the reason I have felt so out of place. So I am saying here,


It's scary, it's new and nothing is set in stone. But that is what bliss is about. It's there waiting for you. It knows you have ventured off the bliss path, but it still waits. Waits for you to turn the light on in you head and find it again.

Here is my plea to you lovelies; FIND AND FOLLOW YOUR BLISS!!!! Don't let anyone tell you that your version of bliss is not good enough, don't let fear keep you away from bliss, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never settle for something less than your highest form of bliss.

As you can tell,

"something has changed within me, something is not the same. I'm through with playing by the rules of someones elses game."