Friday, August 12, 2011

my version of jealousy

I wish I could do some of the things that are in my head. I wish I could take photos that would stop people in their tracks. I wish I could sew a dress in an evening just cause I had nothing to wear, I wish I could design my home to look like an etsy ad, I wish I could paint, I wish I could sit down and write a book. I ENVY people who can. I ENVY people who seem to have art OOZING out of them from every pore. I have tried all of these things and it looks awful half way through and I become embarassed, so I stop. I feel like I have beauty inside me that wants to come out. I know that theatre is my way to let it out... but I wish I could do more.

Instead I will share with you some of my latest finds that make my heart happy.

My name is Ellie and I am jealous of talent. There I said it.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Life as I know it

In this past month I have been blown away by changes. I know a lot of times we dig our heels in and refuse to change because let's be serious, change is scary, but sometimes when you listen to that little voice inside you changes happen that turn your world around. I think for me I have found joy in doing the things that are ME again. Sometimes you can find another path and find happiness on that path, but other times the path you are ON is the path you are supposed to stay on. So bye bye unhappy Ellie, we will never see you again!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Adventures of Walter the Hedgehog

As some of you may know, we have a hedgehog (yes, a hedgehog) his name is Walter Augustus Livingston

We decided on getting a hedgehog because we really wanted another animal and all of the other small animal choices seemed lame. And because I have a knack for killing fish. Seriously, I am like the grim reaper of fish. I have had 2 bettas, the fish that live forever in ANYTHING, their names were Billy Crystal and Johnson. Billy Crystal lived for a week, and Johnson lived for 10 hours. No joke. I KILL FISH! I was never allowed to have a fish as a child and now I know why.

So anyways,Walter. He isa very funny little animal. We did our research and the hedgehog really seemed to fit with our lifestyle. Small, mostly active in the evening, eats cat food, basically free of health problems. So we found a breeder in Spokane and we put in our names and an application and waited. We waited for 3 months. FINALLY we got the call that little Walter was born, but we had to wait ANOTHER month to get him.

So onMarch20 we drove to Spokane and picked him up. The first time I tried to feed him he made this hissing jumping sound thing and I almost peed my pants. That was the first lesson I learned about hedgehogs, they hiss. You can read all you want about them, but experiencing it in PERSON.... very different. When we got Walter he was also quilling. Quilling is like teething and it lasts for like 3 months! So this meant he was sore all over and he hated being touched. The only way we were able to see his cute little face and clam him down was to give him a bath. So we gave him a bath every night. He was the cleanest hedgehog around.

I can say with confidence that he has stopped quilling, he is hissing a LOT less, he still LOVES baths, and he is starting to KIND OF like us. The hedgehog is a very cautious creature, VERY CAUTIOUS! So cautious that when he smells something foreign, like a cucumber, he puts all of his quills up and protects himself against this possible threat. I am not used to animals not liking me so, this has been an experience. We do not regret getting him, we actually really love him. We named him after a angryold man, and he is living up to his name. We dream of the day of being able to take Walter places and have people meet him and actually see his face and not the prickly ball of death as I like to call him sometimes.

So yes, we have a hedgehog, we LIKE him, and we intend to keep him as long as we will have us.

this is Walter hatin on carrots.

1)little Walter in a hedgie ball 2) the adventures of wet Walter!

1)He is very cute legs 2)little Walter does NOT like lettuce

1)HELLO LADIES! 2)See Walter is not a fan of cucumbers!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let's Hear It For The Boys!

As some of you may know I have ventured upon a new kind of life for myself. The life of a nanny. There are many reasons why I have decided to make this my job, the MAIN one being theatre. WHAT?!?!.... is the question I am sure you are asking yourselves. Well being a nanny allows me to have time to audition (next up THE WEDDING SINGER) and maybe to teach, direct, choreograph.... I DON'T CARE... I just need to be a part of the stage again. I miss it. It's me.... through and through, it's me and I LONG for it.

So I got a job as a nanny to three boys. If you know me, you know I am a girl's girl. I love pink, and sparkles, and makeup, and pop music, and hair products... so to be a nanny to boys is an interesting experience.

I grew up with girls. My mom, my sister and me, so the habits of men is BEYOND me. I yell at my fiance for "guy things" all of the time... socks, the random abandonment of pants, etc. but then I became a nanny to three boys, and I learned.


I cannot TELL you the random places I find socks!!!! How do men go through so many frickin socks?!?!?!

And boys/men have this thing they do call "nesting". Wherever they sit or "land" they nest. That means they gather comforts around them; food, pillows, remotes, beverages, cups, plates, pillows, blankets, kleenex's, YOU NAME IT!

MEN NEST!!!!!!!

I can always tell where Mike has "landed" in our apartment, and now I know that it is ALL men. Which makes me feel slightly better, or if I think if it a different way.... hopelessness.

And to top it all off, when they are done with one nest (aka they go to the bathroom, or the kitchen) they sit down in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT place and create a nest THERE. Men are very interesting creatures. I feel like an african explorer, what new find will I encounter next? What is the next beast I shall face????

Keep in mind, I am not saying ANY of this in anger or frustration, I am saying it in a spirit of learning.... and awe!

I love my job, I ADORE these boys!!!!

I am a testament to searching for bliss. This life, with these boys (my Michael included) is my bliss. I am so so grateful to the universe and to the Lord above.

Also, I have decided to become an extreme couponer, but I will save that post for another day.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


ok. so. with all of the changes that are coming my way right now I had a DAY OF STRESS!!!!

new business venture
young boys who can't make decisions aka: my life as a nanny

here is me.....

and here is what is getting me through....

this is my baseball boyfriend Raul Ibanez, and Mike and I are going to Seattle this weekend to see the Phillies play the Mariners. We are seeing all THREE GAMES! AND Saturday is my birthday, and we are sitting 8 ROWS behind the Phillies dugout. SHUT UP!

yeah. so what have we learned today.....

stress+ellie= unhappy mike, unhappy life

phillies+wine+hugs= happy life.

stupid tuesdays.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Ok, just had to share a giggle.

Yes you have seen this....

But have you seen THIS?!.......

Classy lady. Classy hat.

(yes that is me)

The End.

Just HAD to share...

We got the word that we got an apartment in the complex we were wanting. It is bigger, in a better location, and cheaper... but I HATE moving. I am ALWAYS moving!!! Sooo it makes me think this...

then while I was at it I found these other funnies....

Soooo needless to say, I will be a ball of stress till August 1st. Awwww crap, what have we done?!?!

::::::deep breathing:::::::