Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Let Me Entertain You!

I love a gathering, a party, a shin dig, and I love being the hostess. There is just something about inviting people over and cooking for them and seeing their faces that I THRIVE ON! Currently we live in a one bedroom apartment, but yet we still manage to have people over.

As of late our downstairs neighbor (we call her Mrs. Heckles after my favorite show of all time, Friends) has taken to telling our apartment manager whenever our voices get above a whisper and she has some sort of handle device that she bangs on the ceiling with, she ALSO has a problem with the loudness of our toilet seat. This is the woman who has wooden cats MADE to look like Garfield and that black and white cat from the 50's cartoons attached to her porch railing. They have flippers for paws and when the wind blows it looks like they are supposed to be slapping each other with their flipper paws?! Point of order I have never seen the thing move and we have CRAZY wind storms out here, fail Mrs. Heckles, FAIL! Needless to say I have little respect for Mrs. Heckles.

Enough about HER, let's get on with this post...

WHEN we have people over we have a few select dishes we know we can make that are SIMPLE and will be a HUGE hit. So this is where I share them with you :)

I found this recipe last summer from the Hungry Girl cookbook. AMAZING cookbook with things that are YUMMY, easy, and health conscious! We love it with Frito's corn chips. YUM-O!

Second: Pepperoni Dip (we LOVE dips)
This one is so simple a monkey could do it. Every time I make it people FREAK and then I am required to bring it to EVERY gathering. So be careful, if you make this you will become the pepperoni dip person.

Third: Midwest Tacos (I have no link, since this one is my moms)
1lb ground beef (brown it)
After beef is brown add...
about one cup of ketchup
1 packet of taco seasoning
1 can bean with bacon soup (this is the Midwest part)
a few squirts to taste of taco sauce, I like Ortega but for SOME REASON Ortega is not sold here (keep in mind I live in a place that is 75% Hispanic... and they don't have my favorite taco sauce....odd, and RUDE!)


Put on flour tortilla with sour cream, lettuce, and cheese.

I get odd cravings for these tacos and Mike is not a fan of them. They are soooo not Mexican, thus my obvious love for them.

This drink was introduced to me by my Aunt Barb who learned it from her 90 year old neighbor Martha.
They can be made with ANY kind of liquor, gin, maybe not so much. But Vodka, Whiskey, Tequila, go for it! They are simple, strong and EASY AS PIE!!!!
Mike and I have decided to make these our signature drink at the wedding, mostly because I want little signs that say "Go ahead, Skip and go naked!"
Easy, effective, and PERFECT for summer!

So there ya go! All my little favs for a perfect and easy little get together!

I am off to enjoy the sunshine!

Peace, Love, and Applesauce


  1. I love me a good house party too! I'm going to be freezing a shin-dig when we get our house back together. I've alllllmost finished painting the new bedroom. Just might have to make a few of these. :)

  2. Make em all! It will make for a good party :)


    I think you would appreciate these!
