Friday, August 12, 2011

my version of jealousy

I wish I could do some of the things that are in my head. I wish I could take photos that would stop people in their tracks. I wish I could sew a dress in an evening just cause I had nothing to wear, I wish I could design my home to look like an etsy ad, I wish I could paint, I wish I could sit down and write a book. I ENVY people who can. I ENVY people who seem to have art OOZING out of them from every pore. I have tried all of these things and it looks awful half way through and I become embarassed, so I stop. I feel like I have beauty inside me that wants to come out. I know that theatre is my way to let it out... but I wish I could do more.

Instead I will share with you some of my latest finds that make my heart happy.

My name is Ellie and I am jealous of talent. There I said it.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Life as I know it

In this past month I have been blown away by changes. I know a lot of times we dig our heels in and refuse to change because let's be serious, change is scary, but sometimes when you listen to that little voice inside you changes happen that turn your world around. I think for me I have found joy in doing the things that are ME again. Sometimes you can find another path and find happiness on that path, but other times the path you are ON is the path you are supposed to stay on. So bye bye unhappy Ellie, we will never see you again!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Adventures of Walter the Hedgehog

As some of you may know, we have a hedgehog (yes, a hedgehog) his name is Walter Augustus Livingston

We decided on getting a hedgehog because we really wanted another animal and all of the other small animal choices seemed lame. And because I have a knack for killing fish. Seriously, I am like the grim reaper of fish. I have had 2 bettas, the fish that live forever in ANYTHING, their names were Billy Crystal and Johnson. Billy Crystal lived for a week, and Johnson lived for 10 hours. No joke. I KILL FISH! I was never allowed to have a fish as a child and now I know why.

So anyways,Walter. He isa very funny little animal. We did our research and the hedgehog really seemed to fit with our lifestyle. Small, mostly active in the evening, eats cat food, basically free of health problems. So we found a breeder in Spokane and we put in our names and an application and waited. We waited for 3 months. FINALLY we got the call that little Walter was born, but we had to wait ANOTHER month to get him.

So onMarch20 we drove to Spokane and picked him up. The first time I tried to feed him he made this hissing jumping sound thing and I almost peed my pants. That was the first lesson I learned about hedgehogs, they hiss. You can read all you want about them, but experiencing it in PERSON.... very different. When we got Walter he was also quilling. Quilling is like teething and it lasts for like 3 months! So this meant he was sore all over and he hated being touched. The only way we were able to see his cute little face and clam him down was to give him a bath. So we gave him a bath every night. He was the cleanest hedgehog around.

I can say with confidence that he has stopped quilling, he is hissing a LOT less, he still LOVES baths, and he is starting to KIND OF like us. The hedgehog is a very cautious creature, VERY CAUTIOUS! So cautious that when he smells something foreign, like a cucumber, he puts all of his quills up and protects himself against this possible threat. I am not used to animals not liking me so, this has been an experience. We do not regret getting him, we actually really love him. We named him after a angryold man, and he is living up to his name. We dream of the day of being able to take Walter places and have people meet him and actually see his face and not the prickly ball of death as I like to call him sometimes.

So yes, we have a hedgehog, we LIKE him, and we intend to keep him as long as we will have us.

this is Walter hatin on carrots.

1)little Walter in a hedgie ball 2) the adventures of wet Walter!

1)He is very cute legs 2)little Walter does NOT like lettuce

1)HELLO LADIES! 2)See Walter is not a fan of cucumbers!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let's Hear It For The Boys!

As some of you may know I have ventured upon a new kind of life for myself. The life of a nanny. There are many reasons why I have decided to make this my job, the MAIN one being theatre. WHAT?!?!.... is the question I am sure you are asking yourselves. Well being a nanny allows me to have time to audition (next up THE WEDDING SINGER) and maybe to teach, direct, choreograph.... I DON'T CARE... I just need to be a part of the stage again. I miss it. It's me.... through and through, it's me and I LONG for it.

So I got a job as a nanny to three boys. If you know me, you know I am a girl's girl. I love pink, and sparkles, and makeup, and pop music, and hair products... so to be a nanny to boys is an interesting experience.

I grew up with girls. My mom, my sister and me, so the habits of men is BEYOND me. I yell at my fiance for "guy things" all of the time... socks, the random abandonment of pants, etc. but then I became a nanny to three boys, and I learned.


I cannot TELL you the random places I find socks!!!! How do men go through so many frickin socks?!?!?!

And boys/men have this thing they do call "nesting". Wherever they sit or "land" they nest. That means they gather comforts around them; food, pillows, remotes, beverages, cups, plates, pillows, blankets, kleenex's, YOU NAME IT!

MEN NEST!!!!!!!

I can always tell where Mike has "landed" in our apartment, and now I know that it is ALL men. Which makes me feel slightly better, or if I think if it a different way.... hopelessness.

And to top it all off, when they are done with one nest (aka they go to the bathroom, or the kitchen) they sit down in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT place and create a nest THERE. Men are very interesting creatures. I feel like an african explorer, what new find will I encounter next? What is the next beast I shall face????

Keep in mind, I am not saying ANY of this in anger or frustration, I am saying it in a spirit of learning.... and awe!

I love my job, I ADORE these boys!!!!

I am a testament to searching for bliss. This life, with these boys (my Michael included) is my bliss. I am so so grateful to the universe and to the Lord above.

Also, I have decided to become an extreme couponer, but I will save that post for another day.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


ok. so. with all of the changes that are coming my way right now I had a DAY OF STRESS!!!!

new business venture
young boys who can't make decisions aka: my life as a nanny

here is me.....

and here is what is getting me through....

this is my baseball boyfriend Raul Ibanez, and Mike and I are going to Seattle this weekend to see the Phillies play the Mariners. We are seeing all THREE GAMES! AND Saturday is my birthday, and we are sitting 8 ROWS behind the Phillies dugout. SHUT UP!

yeah. so what have we learned today.....

stress+ellie= unhappy mike, unhappy life

phillies+wine+hugs= happy life.

stupid tuesdays.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Ok, just had to share a giggle.

Yes you have seen this....

But have you seen THIS?!.......

Classy lady. Classy hat.

(yes that is me)

The End.

Just HAD to share...

We got the word that we got an apartment in the complex we were wanting. It is bigger, in a better location, and cheaper... but I HATE moving. I am ALWAYS moving!!! Sooo it makes me think this...

then while I was at it I found these other funnies....

Soooo needless to say, I will be a ball of stress till August 1st. Awwww crap, what have we done?!?!

::::::deep breathing:::::::

wedding wedding wedding

can you tell where my mind has been? my brain is FULL of wedding stuff!!! It's a little over a year away and it is now time to crack down!

I spent HOURS trying to figure out what the groomsmen will wear. I finally came to a compromise with Mike and really like what we settled on.

I just want the day and the week to be so US. I want people to walk away thinking, "that was so Ellie and Mike!" I want people to remember our day and know how much love I poured into it. I want every detail to be thought of, I want every moment dripped in love, and color and fun. So yeah, I have big expectations.... no big deal.

I feel like I should have a wedding planner but seriously, I don't think I would trust anyone to do this expect myself. Yes, my mom is always sending me random ideas, some awesome, some not, but that goes for me too. I have some REALLY great ideas and then some I look back on and go, "Huh?!" I am very thankful that we have such a long engagement, it is allowing me to hash out the good ideas and throw away the bad ones. It is also giving me the chance to step away from planning when I get frustrated. So today I will share with you some of my wedding inspiration.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Love, love can keep us together!

So, first off, APOLOGIES. I have been ignoring this blog! Mostly because my life has been in a state of upheaval, I quit my job, I found a NEW job, I start today, and through it all I really believe God has been working through me and my heart. My post about bliss a few weeks ago really started it all. I put the idea of finding bliss out there in the big ole universe and by golly it has started to come true. So forgive my lack of posts, but believe me, my life is a CHANGIN' and if you want the details, come find me.... :)

I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what a difference a YEAR makes. How much has changed, and how different things are right now compared to this time last year. I can say with absolute certainty that all of these wonderful changes are because of the love of my life.

(this is about to get mushy folks, back out now if you want to!)

Michael Ross Livingston

HOLY COW!!!! I love this guy.

As I am typing this I am trying not to cry. I SWEAR I am not this mushy gushy all of the time, but right now I am dedicating this post to LOVE, and love that lasts.

This time last year he sent me to the mall to look for engagement rings, I almost fainted when trying on the first ring but my friend Steff held me together and we got through 4 stores before finding my DREAM ring at Kay Jewelers.

And then on July 4th he popped the question and I said YES.

From then to now, we have been through a LOT. There is no one else on EARTH that I would move to Pasco, WA for. And there is no one else on earth who has the patience to deal with me.

Mike's birthday is tomorrow and today I get to make him a German chocolate cake, from scratch of course, since from scratch means I LOVE YOU.

Since my birthday is on the 18th we have decided to give ourselves the gift of baseball. So from June 17-19th we will be in Seattle watchin the Phillies beat the CRAP outta the Mariners. So for his birthday he just asked for a cake, THAT I CAN DO!

I am not saying that this relationship is perfect, but it is perfect for us. He fills me, he makes my heart sing, he encourages me, and he ALWAYS puts me first. For much of my life I didn't think I would find anyone. I am difficult, picky, and I am an actress... thus I am impossible to please. But for some reason, this scientist fit the bill. And ask any of my family or friends, this love has changed me, calmed me, empowered me in so many ways. That what love does I suppose, it changes you. Makes you the better version of yourself.

So never give up, never stop looking, never lessen yourself for someone else. Be picky, be outspoken, be yourself and love will find you. It takes work, it takes fights and hugs, and a LOT of humor. Since this is the season of weddings, love is in the air. If you have love, be thankful for it. Never take it for granted. Hug harder, kiss deeper, and spend sometime being thankful. Your puzzle piece is out there, waiting, and when you find it, and it fits, your life will never be the same.

So on this June 8th I will be saying some extra prayers of thankfulness for this kind, warm, funny, nerdy, smart, amazing man.

Happy Birthday My Love!

You are my everything. None of what I do would be possible without you.

Ok, have to go make a cake.... I will let you know how this turns out.

here is the recipe for the German Chocolate Cake I will be using:

  • 4 ounces sweet dark chocolate (see Shopping Hint below)
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, at room temperature
  • 1/4 cup warm milk
  • 2 1/2 cups sifted cake flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 5 medium egg whites
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 5 medium egg yolks, at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk, well shaken
  • For the coconut frosting:
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4 medium egg yolks
  • 1 cup evaporated milk
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 10 ounces fresh or frozen and thawed grated coconut
  • 1 1/2 cups finely ground pecans, walnuts, or almonds
  • 1/4 cup warm milk

Yields: 12 servings


Prepare the chocolate by melting it in the top of a double boiler, stirring until it is smooth. Add 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) of the butter and stir until it is melted and blended. Add 1/4 cup of warm milk and stir until smooth. Set the chocolate aside to cool.

Preheat the oven to 350ºF.

Line the bottoms only of three 9-inch cake pans with circles of parchment paper, or grease each pan bottom only with solid shortening and dust lightly with flour. Sift together the sifted and measured flour, baking soda, and salt.

Whip the egg whites until stiff using the wire beater of the mixer. Transfer the beaten whites to a separate bowl and set aside.

In the mixer bowl, cream the remaining 1 1/2 sticks of butter and sugar together until fluffy. Add the egg yolks one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the melted, cooled chocolate and the vanilla. Mix well.

With the mixer on very low, stir in the flour mixture alternately with the buttermilk. Do this by adding about a third of the flour and slowly stirring it in completely. Then add about half the buttermilk and stir it in. Continue adding flour and buttermilk in this manner, ending with flour. Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl and stir again. With a long-handled spoon or spatula, fold and stir the beaten egg whites into the batter until the batter is smooth with no visible clumps of whites.

Divide the batter evenly between the prepared pans and bake for 30-40 minutes. Bake on the middle rack of the oven, allowing at least 1/4-inch clearance between the pans and the oven walls. The cake will rise above the pan edges as it bakes but will not spill over and will settle back down as it continues to bake. The cake is done when it begins to pull away from the sides of the pans and springs back to a light touch. Cool layers in the pans for about 8 minutes.

Run a knife around the edges of each pan and turn the layers out onto wire racks that have been sprayed with cooking spray. Cool layers completely before frosting.

To make the frosting, combine the sugar, egg yolks, and evaporated milk in the top of a double boiler. Stir with a wire whisk until the yolks are fully incorporated. Add the butter. Place over simmering water and bring to a boil (see Note below). Simmer for 12-15 minutes longer, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Add the vanilla, coconut, and nuts. Cool.

To assemble the cake, place one layer on a cake stand and spread with frosting. Frost each layer completely, top and sides, as it is added to the cake.

Note: You can also make the frosting in a regular saucepan, but be sure to stir it constantly, as it scorches quite easily. Also, you must use the finely grated fresh or frozen coconut, not canned or shredded, to be able to spread the frosting on the sides of the cake easily.

Shopping Hint: For those cooks who use a lot of sweet baking chocolate, the chocolate used in this recipe can be purchased in bulk online at Choose La Equatoriale – Dark Chocolate Coverture. The cost, including postage, is half what you would probably pay in grocery stores. Share the large bar with your friends who bake.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My love letter to Oprah

I know that some of you out there may not be a big fan of the Big O, but I am. And quite frankly I am not ashamed of it. Who would not like a self made woman? Who would not like a woman who has literally inspired the world? She has done things that millions of people only dream of. She has made her voice known on SO many issues that affect so many people. She has single handedly brought the love of reading to the fore front. She is an amazing force who brings important issues to light. She shows her true emotions, even when it gets her in trouble, and in the face of so much loss and despair she shows us stories of love and strength.

I remember racing home to be able to make it there before 4 and watching her show while my little sister did homework at the dining room table (which I was also supposed to be doing). I remember so many episodes that touched my heart and made me weep. I think the FIRST show I really remember was a show she did on unknown song lyrics. That is where I learned that the words TIN ROOF RUSTED were used in the song Love Shack. This was obviously before the Internet and 10 million search engines.

Her show remained strong and always had a sense of class while all of the other talk shows of the 90's reduced themselves to baby daddy's and fighting.

She helped to teach me to love myself, no matter what my weight. If Oprah struggles with weight, it must be a pretty hard battle to face, and I shouldn't HATE myself if I lose every now and then.

When I went to college in IL I promised myself I would go see an Oprah show, and I never did. KICKING MYSELF!!!!

When I watched Oprah I felt grown up, I felt like even though I was not ready to watch the evening news (still not sure if I am) I wanted to hear what Oprah had to say.

Her FIRST book club book selection was in 1996 and was The Deep End Of The Ocean. I made my mom go out and but me this MASSIVE book, and I read it. It took time and it was about a mother losing her child to abduction but I read it. I was 12.

So as you can see this strong independent woman has been inspiring me for quite a long time. If young women don't have strong role models who are doing what they think they want to do in the world, they don't know if their dreams are possible. I want to raise my children in a world where they know that no matter their color, their sex, their sexual orientation, the size of their dreams or the size of their wallets, they KNOW that anything is possible. ANYTHING.

So that is my love letter to Ms. Winfrey. She did her job well, and because of that...
I have been changed for good.

She performed this on Oprah's surprise show... LOVE the message!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I have been looking forward to this weekend for a LONG time. Not only will it be my first real weekend in a LONG time, but MIKE'S FAMILY IS COMING!!!! Mom, Dad, Sister, and Grandma. They started driving from PA well over a week ago and they will be here in Pasco in about 2 hours. I am looking forward to not only seeing family but for Mike to see HIS family. He's a tough cookie sometimes, but I know how much he misses them. I talk to my mom almost everyday, where as Mike tries to call at least once a month. It's just the difference between males and females I suppose.

So tomorrow we are taking them around the Tri Cities and Saturday morning we are going to Seattle!!!

We haven't as much time in Seattle as we thought we would, but we both love that city. It's such a departure from the town we are in. It feels a little like home, and the places we are used to living because of the arts, and culture.

We know we are going to spend a lot of time at Pike Place Market.

It's such a neat place. Last time we were there we were hoping to see some fish fly (meaning the fish guys throw the fish from worker to worker, there are no winged fish) but we learned that they only throw fish when someone ORDERS a fish. And Mike and I had no intention of buying a huge friggin fish just to see it get thrown.

We don't know where else we NEED to go, maybe a boat ride, or a museum. Who cares really?! We will be in an amazing city with family. We could literally just sit on a bench downtown all weekend and I would be happy.

So no posts till at least Monday... I AM HAVING A WEEKEND!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Finding Bliss

Sorry for my absence as of late. Lots goin on here! But this time has given me time to think so I am dedicating this post to...


I have always loved the word bliss. It fills me with feelings of contentment, happiness, sunshine and smiles. I feel I have spent most of my life trying to to FIND my bliss and FOLLOW my bliss. It is easier said than done my friends. We all have a tendency to become complacent. We have a job, it pays ok, we don't really LIKE it, we love our friends there, and to be honest, it is HARD to search for jobs.
Over the last few months I have become very aware of where my bliss lies. And for me yesterday was a watershed moment.
I feel blessed to be able to KNOW what gets me up in the morning and what fills my heart with fire and determination. I have not been listening to the inner me lately, which is more than likely the reason I have felt so out of place. So I am saying here,


It's scary, it's new and nothing is set in stone. But that is what bliss is about. It's there waiting for you. It knows you have ventured off the bliss path, but it still waits. Waits for you to turn the light on in you head and find it again.

Here is my plea to you lovelies; FIND AND FOLLOW YOUR BLISS!!!! Don't let anyone tell you that your version of bliss is not good enough, don't let fear keep you away from bliss, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE never settle for something less than your highest form of bliss.

As you can tell,

"something has changed within me, something is not the same. I'm through with playing by the rules of someones elses game."

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Curly Girl

When I was growing up it was the 80's and big hair was IN. So my mother, the trendiest mom in all of Yankton (as far as I am concerned) followed the trend with her and her 2 daughters and permed our locks every chance she got. We also did the whole butterfly wings thing, you know pick up you hair right by your temple then spray it with, what can only be described as, spray GLUE. Yeah,we were quite the trio of curls.
So as I grew up (and went through "my time") my hair naturally turned curly curly, to my dismay and my moms jealousy. I have always been at war with my curls. My hair is THICK and when it gets to long it sits around my neck like some sort of fur muff. It is HOT and FRIZZY! That is until I found a MIRACLE.....

No joke, this stuff is AMAZING! I have the gel (AnGel Firm), the spray (Set it free moisture lock), the NO POO cleanser, the conditioner, the towel,

AAAAAND the diffuser!

Yes, that is it. It looks like an alien.

This system has done WONDERS with my hair. It isn't crunchy, it has TONS of volume and best part, NO FRIZZ!!!!

My curls have always dictated everything from the way I cut my hair to how I wear it to the color it is... not anymore, I finally really like my hair and I LOVE to wear it curly. Plus I feel like it is so much healthier.

Since starting to use this system I have gotten so many compliments on my locks. It's AWESOME!!!!

I am still growing my hair out after a hack job that happened a year and a half ago, but I am crossing my fingers that I will have it to the length I want by the wedding and that day it will be down, and curly, not frizzy and totally me.

Once a curly girl, always a curly girl.


Friday, May 13, 2011


I wish I was in the club that celebrates Fridays. That would be cool. I could use the phrase "TGIF!" or I could grab drinks after work in celebration of the weekend. Then I could HAVE a weekend. Yeah, that would be cool.
Instead here I am trying to come up with excuses for NOT going into work. All I have right now is my toe hurts, which it does. Think I may just have to suck it up.
Since I have nothing of interest to fill this post with I will show you some of the jams I have been rockin out to as of late. These melodies shall get me through....

Mumford and Sons - Little Lion Man

Chiddy Bang - Opposite Of Adults

Adele - Rolling In The Deep

Thursday, May 12, 2011

You Have Found My Weakness

The last 2 weeks I have been listening to my logical, smart, thoughtful finace go crazy for this car he wants. This is the guy who can't make a decision on a pair of shoes without weighing all of the possible options. So out of nowhere he declares that he will be getting a Camero. Now you have to understand that this guy has a subscription to 2 car magazines, watches car shows which he thinks are not only awesome, but hilarious (they are not funny, I have tried watching them,ug). He loses his mind when given the chance to buy a car. He currently has a very sensible car, but now he is gettin a little crazy with this Camero thing. So we sat down, and I explained to him that we are not in a position right now to buy a sports car and EVENTUALLY we will be. When that time comes, he will be able to get that dream sports car, just not now. It was a hard convo to have since his face looked like I had killed his puppy, but we came to the conclusion that right now, sensible is best.

So that got me thinking, we all have weaknesses. He loses all of his senses with cars, which I do NOT understand. What do I lose my senses over? Let's see...

-The Cosmetic Miracle Fix
I have been dealing with some fierce skin issues as of late. A lot of it had to do with the birth control I was taking, which I switched, and have seen good results. But in the mean time I hear that a cosmetic can help my face and I SNATCH it up. Serum's, Lotions, Night Treatments, you name it. I go ga ga.

I have been trying to find the perfect pair of wedges for months. I do not know why my brain is telling me I NEEEED wedges but it is. I have yet to buy any. GO ME!

Coach, MK, Calvin Klein, shut up. I lose it. I do NOT have any nice handbags, but it does not mean that don't use the words I NEED when talking about any of my handbag desires.

-Shiny Things
aka jewelry. lose my shit. love it. If I could have a new engagement ring for everyday of the week, I would. I am weak.

So as we can see I have many more weaknesses than my amazing finace. It helps to put these topics and issues in MY terms. No, I do not understand the need or desire for a Camero, but I do understand the need for shoes, handbags etc. He has the right to be unreasonable, since when I am unreasonable, which is 80% of the time, he brings me back to Earth. I just needed to bring him back to earth.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Let Me Entertain You!

I love a gathering, a party, a shin dig, and I love being the hostess. There is just something about inviting people over and cooking for them and seeing their faces that I THRIVE ON! Currently we live in a one bedroom apartment, but yet we still manage to have people over.

As of late our downstairs neighbor (we call her Mrs. Heckles after my favorite show of all time, Friends) has taken to telling our apartment manager whenever our voices get above a whisper and she has some sort of handle device that she bangs on the ceiling with, she ALSO has a problem with the loudness of our toilet seat. This is the woman who has wooden cats MADE to look like Garfield and that black and white cat from the 50's cartoons attached to her porch railing. They have flippers for paws and when the wind blows it looks like they are supposed to be slapping each other with their flipper paws?! Point of order I have never seen the thing move and we have CRAZY wind storms out here, fail Mrs. Heckles, FAIL! Needless to say I have little respect for Mrs. Heckles.

Enough about HER, let's get on with this post...

WHEN we have people over we have a few select dishes we know we can make that are SIMPLE and will be a HUGE hit. So this is where I share them with you :)

I found this recipe last summer from the Hungry Girl cookbook. AMAZING cookbook with things that are YUMMY, easy, and health conscious! We love it with Frito's corn chips. YUM-O!

Second: Pepperoni Dip (we LOVE dips)
This one is so simple a monkey could do it. Every time I make it people FREAK and then I am required to bring it to EVERY gathering. So be careful, if you make this you will become the pepperoni dip person.

Third: Midwest Tacos (I have no link, since this one is my moms)
1lb ground beef (brown it)
After beef is brown add...
about one cup of ketchup
1 packet of taco seasoning
1 can bean with bacon soup (this is the Midwest part)
a few squirts to taste of taco sauce, I like Ortega but for SOME REASON Ortega is not sold here (keep in mind I live in a place that is 75% Hispanic... and they don't have my favorite taco sauce....odd, and RUDE!)


Put on flour tortilla with sour cream, lettuce, and cheese.

I get odd cravings for these tacos and Mike is not a fan of them. They are soooo not Mexican, thus my obvious love for them.

This drink was introduced to me by my Aunt Barb who learned it from her 90 year old neighbor Martha.
They can be made with ANY kind of liquor, gin, maybe not so much. But Vodka, Whiskey, Tequila, go for it! They are simple, strong and EASY AS PIE!!!!
Mike and I have decided to make these our signature drink at the wedding, mostly because I want little signs that say "Go ahead, Skip and go naked!"
Easy, effective, and PERFECT for summer!

So there ya go! All my little favs for a perfect and easy little get together!

I am off to enjoy the sunshine!

Peace, Love, and Applesauce

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ode To My Favorite Bridal Website

I am planning a wedding! We are almost to the the one year mark. YIKES! My fiance, Mike and I got engaged on July 4, 2010 and our wedding is June 23, 2012. We really thought a long engagement would be fun, but it is now looking like we were wrong. The more time I have the more IDEAS I have and thus the more money we are looking at. I am NOT good at editing, so it is proving hard. PLUS, we just want to be MARRIED already. We feel like we are married already, I would just really like to be on his insurance. Ok, that makes me sound heartless, but COME ON! It's true! My insurance may pay for like 25 cents of a doctors visit where as his covers everything, including vision. Never would I think I would become a girl drooling over insurance, but here I sit with a puddle of drool on the keyboard.
So, as we begin the epic journey into the wedding world, I have developed a love for all things bridal. I found my FAVORITE website from the suggestion of a friend and fellow bride to be, Kendra. Green Wedding Shoes is A.MAY.ZIIIING! I drool over the pictures and it has helped me to be confident in our decision to make our wedding COUNTRY CHIC! So as a bride to be, this website has been a GOD SEND! I love them. I know they are Southern Cali, but I say HECK, with pics like that, Southern Cali CAN and WILL be in the Black Hills!
So there ya have it, my 2 cents. I may have a few more cents to offer today. But for now... there ya have it :)

-Peace, Love, Applesauce


As the title says, I am NOT a Real Housewife, but lord knows I try. The problem is I am a little too scattered, a little to bohemian, and not a wife yet.
So this will be my place to show off my latest creations, my current obsessions, and my trips and falls that I try to laugh at every time.
I am an on hold actress, a current beauty artist, a lover of Real Simple, an expert of all things midwest, a baseball fan, a loving fiancee, a future mom, a current daughter and sister, a random dancer, a car singer, a cat/hedgehog mom, a milk drinker, a sushi-aholic, a wine-o, a bride to be, and a contagious laugher.
So join me in this blog journey as I try VERY hard to not make it a diary and instead fill it with advice, stories, pictures, and all around general things that I myself would like to see.


heeeeeeere we GOOOOO!