Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ode To My Favorite Bridal Website

I am planning a wedding! We are almost to the the one year mark. YIKES! My fiance, Mike and I got engaged on July 4, 2010 and our wedding is June 23, 2012. We really thought a long engagement would be fun, but it is now looking like we were wrong. The more time I have the more IDEAS I have and thus the more money we are looking at. I am NOT good at editing, so it is proving hard. PLUS, we just want to be MARRIED already. We feel like we are married already, I would just really like to be on his insurance. Ok, that makes me sound heartless, but COME ON! It's true! My insurance may pay for like 25 cents of a doctors visit where as his covers everything, including vision. Never would I think I would become a girl drooling over insurance, but here I sit with a puddle of drool on the keyboard.
So, as we begin the epic journey into the wedding world, I have developed a love for all things bridal. I found my FAVORITE website from the suggestion of a friend and fellow bride to be, Kendra. Green Wedding Shoes is A.MAY.ZIIIING! I drool over the pictures and it has helped me to be confident in our decision to make our wedding COUNTRY CHIC! So as a bride to be, this website has been a GOD SEND! I love them. I know they are Southern Cali, but I say HECK, with pics like that, Southern Cali CAN and WILL be in the Black Hills!
So there ya have it, my 2 cents. I may have a few more cents to offer today. But for now... there ya have it :)

-Peace, Love, Applesauce

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya with the Health insurance. I have my own through work but it sucks. David is on the Actors' Equity insurance now but when he gets on Wells Fargo insurance I'm gonna switch to his. They're pretty awesome about us not being married yet. You can get on it if you're a domestic partner. I'm super excited about your wedding. It's going to be quite a PARTAY!!!!!!! Loves~

