Tuesday, May 10, 2011


As the title says, I am NOT a Real Housewife, but lord knows I try. The problem is I am a little too scattered, a little to bohemian, and not a wife yet.
So this will be my place to show off my latest creations, my current obsessions, and my trips and falls that I try to laugh at every time.
I am an on hold actress, a current beauty artist, a lover of Real Simple, an expert of all things midwest, a baseball fan, a loving fiancee, a future mom, a current daughter and sister, a random dancer, a car singer, a cat/hedgehog mom, a milk drinker, a sushi-aholic, a wine-o, a bride to be, and a contagious laugher.
So join me in this blog journey as I try VERY hard to not make it a diary and instead fill it with advice, stories, pictures, and all around general things that I myself would like to see.


heeeeeeere we GOOOOO!

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