can you tell where my mind has been? my brain is FULL of wedding stuff!!! It's a little over a year away and it is now time to crack down!
I spent HOURS trying to figure out what the groomsmen will wear. I finally came to a compromise with Mike and really like what we settled on.
I just want the day and the week to be so US. I want people to walk away thinking, "that was so Ellie and Mike!" I want people to remember our day and know how much love I poured into it. I want every detail to be thought of, I want every moment dripped in love, and color and fun. So yeah, I have big expectations.... no big deal.
I feel like I should have a wedding planner but seriously, I don't think I would trust anyone to do this expect myself. Yes, my mom is always sending me random ideas, some awesome, some not, but that goes for me too. I have some REALLY great ideas and then some I look back on and go, "Huh?!" I am very thankful that we have such a long engagement, it is allowing me to hash out the good ideas and throw away the bad ones. It is also giving me the chance to step away from planning when I get frustrated. So today I will share with you some of my wedding inspiration.

I'm loving the boots!! Adorable.